Introducing Salon Gaboa's Referral Program

Introducing Salon Gaboas Referral Program
Introducing the
Salon Gaboa
Referral Program
You are one of
Salon Gaboa's cherished customers.
We are committed to ensuring you the 
best service and results we can muster.
And we would  like to do the same 
for others in your circle of friends.
For every wonderful person that comes 
into Salon Gaboa  on your referral,
they will receive a 20% discount
on salon services for their first visit, AND
you will receive 20% as well. 
To make a referral all you need do is 
register for the Referral Program at the salon,
or email us at
You will receive a confirmation email and 
a copy of the voucher shown above.
Forward the voucher to any and all of your circle 
and let the fun begin.
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